B&H Clergy Shirts and Clergy Collars is a small company which specialises in the Clergy shirt and Clergy Collar segment of the Church Supplies market, based just outside Norwich, United Kingdom, it has the backing, resources and the experience from its parent company for clergy shirts supplies, that was established back in 1888 which has been supplying clergy shirts for men and women ever since.

The finest Clergy Shirts and Cloth Clergy Collars on the market

The B&H clerical/clergy shirts and cloth clerical collars are among the finest on the market. A lot of effort is put into bringing you the finest clerical shirt, from the choice of cloth, the buttons, the finish and so much more.

A large selection of Clerical Shirts

Our clergy shirts are available as follows: Long sleeved Tonsure Clerical/clergy shirts, long sleeved Tunnel Clerical/clergy Shirts, Long-sleeved Tunic Clerical/clergy tunnel shirts, long sleeved classic or civil shirts. Also available: Short sleeved Tonsure Clerical/clergy shirts, Short-sleeved Tunnel Clerical/clergy Shirts, Short-sleeved Tunic Clerical/clergy tunnel shirts, Short-sleeved classic or civil shirts.

Extensive range of Clergy Cloth collars

B&H normally stocks a full range of cloth clergy collars, starting from 2.5 cms/1″ through to 5cms/2″, these collars are the comfortable alternative to plastic clergy collars, do not need specialised laundering, just wash, iron and wear. Made in Germany.

Different coloured clerical shirts

The clerical shirts are available in several standard colours i.e. Black Tonsure Clerical/clergy shirts, Black, Lt Grey. Dk. Grey, Bishop’s Bordeaux, three shades of blue Tunnel Clerical/clergy Shirts, Black, White Tunic Clerical/clergy tunnel shirts, black, white classic or civil shirts, not forgetting our denim clerical tunnel shirt, which we were the first to bring to the market.

Customised Clerical Shirts

We able also to supply customised clerical shirts and collars, if you wish a virtually made to measure shirt. Longer, shorter sleeves, French cuffs, with or without pockets etc, even white cuffs on a black shirt, no problem!  just ask us!

Constantly improving the clergy shirts and clergy collars

To be able to constantly improve the comfort and design of our products, we listen to the feedback from local priests, vicars, to the leading bishops.

So, please if you have any suggestions or wishes please do not hesitate in getting in touch.

*We offer a top product at a fair price!
* We do not claim that we have 1000s of shirts in stock, (doesn’t make sense these days!)
* All stock is new, fresh and never seconds.
* We do not believe in dumping prices.
* It is just is not possible to make a decent shirt for “Under a Tenner”
* we believe in: customer satisfaction
Top service
“Trading Fair”!
* There is no such thing as a “Free Dinner”
* we are flexible!
* We deliver quality! Based in the UK.